So, you’ve finally saved up enough money to renovate your basement. But what do you do when your contractor asks if you have asbestos in your home? Isn’t that only a problem in older homes built before the 50s and 60s? Asbestos is now banned in Canada, but it can still be found in many homes and buildings. That’s why you need to be aware when doing renovations. As long as it is tightly bound and in good condition, like when sealed behind walls and floorboards, or when isolated in an attic and left undisturbed, asbestos shouldn’t be a major concern. But renovation work could expose you and your family to serious risks by disturbing it. Health Canada warns that breathing in asbestos fibres can cause cancer and other diseases. Although the use of asbestos was on the decline from the 1970s, it was still used until 1990 for insulating homes against cold weather and noise, as well as for fireproofing. Asbestos was also sometimes found in cement and plaster, house siding, floor and ceiling tiles, and furnace and heating systems. Before doing any renovations, remodelling or demolitions, reduce your risk of potential exposure to asbestos by hiring a professional to test for it. If they find asbestos, bring in a qualified removal specialist to get rid of it before beginning your work. Removing asbestos should never be a do-it-yourself project—avoid disturbing asbestos materials and let the professionals handle it. Find more information at Source: NewsCanada Concerned about your home's indoor air quality? Find out more about AmeriSpec of Canada's healthy home services by visiting Terms of Use All News Canada content is provided free of charge. Any source/sponsor of the information must also be identified as presented. For articles, credit of usage must be attributed to News Canada with "(NC)" at the beginning of an article or "" or "– News Canada" at the end. Images are only to be used with corresponding editorial copy. Usage of News Canada content constitutes your acceptance of these terms and an agreement between you and News Canada. Disclaimer: Comments and opinions in News Canada content are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of News Canada Inc., its management or employees. News Canada Inc. is not responsible, and disclaims any and all liability, for the content of comments provided by contributors.